PCB Free DFM Check

Design for manufacturability (DFM) is an approach to manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCBs) that reduces costs and makes PCB manufacturing a seamless process by applying a set of rules for the PCB designers to follow such that the typical PCB manufacturing processes, equipment, requirements and limitations are considered in the PCB design.

As a value-added service, we offer free PCB file check, also known as free DFM, meaning we help run a complete DFM check on your PCB files for defects or problems that could arise during PCB manufacturing. If you’re unsure of what to do next, please contact us for modification suggestion.

What is the Free PCB DFM Check Benefits?

  • Easy to read reports show defects and errors before PCB fabrication.
  • Ensure you have the data and necessary files to build your PCB boards.
  • Helps avoid delays after you’ve placed your order.
  • Receive a free PCB quote with the report.

Why Free DFM is Important?

Imaging going through the final stages in delivering your product to market, when you come to find errors in the PCB manufacturing and assembly process. You then begin to think of all the things that could have gone wrong – Was my DRC (Design Rule Checking) Wrong? Was it the material used? Were my prototypes different from my original manufacturing files? As a PCB designer, you think it is unbelievable, but you ignore the important thing – Running DFM before manufacturing, which may delay your products to the market and waste a lot of money to re-start design.

Free DFM we provide comply PCB layout topology to reduce problems that can be encountered during the PCB fabrication and assembly processes required to manufacturer an electronic system. Without DFM analysis software, determining if the problem is manufacturing or design related becomes an expensive guessing game. Don’t hesitate, just send us your PCB files for a free DFM Check.

6 PCB DFM Aspects to Conduct:

  • Signal and Mixed Layer Checks
  • Power /Ground Layer Checks
  • Drill Checks
  • Solder Mask Checks
  • Silkscreen Checks
  • Controlled Impedance Checks

Check to know more PCB Assembly Design for Testing (DFT) & Manufacturability (DFM)

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